Welcome to Cambridge Executive Coaching
Here at Cambridge Executive Coaching we are committed to support our clients in achieving excellence.
Cambridge Executive Coaching works with
- Organisations undergoing change, addressing issues of fuller inclusion, progressing and building team performance
- Businesses building leadership capacity within their organisations, and developing a default culture of inclusion and common purpose
- Recruitment and Assessment processes secured in values and competency matrices
- Individuals exploring new options, jobs, skills, or relationships
- Recent graduates wondering how to break into the world of work in pandemic times
- Mid-term professionals looking to bring their career and performance to the next level
- Those preparing for competency based progression reviews
- Those seeking to improve the quality of their work-life balance, relational life and emotional intelligence
- Those finding Covid times challenging now digging deep into their own resources for direction and resilience
- Those wanting some 'Crucial Conversations' to reveal deeper clarity and aligned purpose in their lives
See the packages we offer below:
An opportunity to reflect on where you have been, and where you want to get to. This programme includes an opportunity to explore the resources we carry around in our bodies, minds, memories and hearts for our onward development.
This programme of 4-6 weeks will explore the impacts of stress, burn out, overwhelming and how individuals and teams can build personal resilience to stress and the threat of overwhelming.
Are you hoping to take up a global position in your firm, or a new regional brief. This coaching support intervention will support you as you address the cultural translation issues
Can you get your presentation and your best ideas down to ten words or less? When asked to present and ‘take the floor’ do you suddenly become a nervous wreck and tongue tied? Are you able to hook your audience in the first 45 seconds of presentation?
How to think creatively as an individual and as a team brain storming – mind mapping - invert thinking – related systems thinking taking this through with a personal coaching frame at the end of the programme
Are you at the end of your graduate fast-track opportunity and feel its time to move on? Or is this what you would like to be doing but don’t know how to ‘break in?’ Do you want to impress your senior reports, but find it difficult to know how?
Have you taken time out to care for a loved one? Are you juggling child care and work or just thinking about returning to the work place? Would you like an improved work-life balance but don't know how to achieve this?